Evaluation Services


Ascribe provides comprehensive residential evaluation solutions that include reports for single-family, multi-family (up to 4 units), and residential land. All reports conform to standards established by the Federal Interagency Guidelines (IAG).

Residential Evaluation Report

To ensure the highest levels of quality on all reports, a robust two-tier quality assurance process is leveraged to blend technology and manual review practices. All evaluation reports receive a line-item, quality assurance examination to ensure that each report meets or exceeds industry guidelines, customer expectations, and internal quality requirement reports including:
• Prior listing history of the property
• Current neighborhood market conditions
• Line item adjustments for all comparables and listings
• Numerous photos
• Location map depicting the subject property
• Three comparable sales
• Three comparable listings

View commercial evaluations.

Residential Property Types

• Single Family Dwellings (detached, attached, PUD)
• Individual Condominium units
• Individual Stock Cooperative Unit (Co-Op)
• Two to four income residential units
• Land/Agricultural

Broker Price Opinions (BPOs)

The interior and exterior broker price opinion (BPO) quantifies the probable price of a property and is used to monitor collateral risk while saving time, effort, and money. Each BPO is performed by a licensed broker or agent.


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